You can read more on this subject matter here: Is there a Basque-Jewish-Rh Negative connection? What is also interesting when examining old grave sites, that the further back you go in time, the higher the percentages of certain genetic markers become indicating that this reverse trend might show strong relationship to the ancient Hebrews as well as Sumerians. It could easily be that today’s Basques are an offspring of an original group which could have been 100 percent rh negative. The origin of the Basque people is of great interest and a key to researching the origin of rh negative blood. Spanish Basques appear to have the highest frequencies of rh negative blood in Europe also indicating that Spanish Basques are less likely to intermarry with Spaniards than French Basques are with the French.
They are also the highest in rh negative blood in Europe when looking at larger groups other than maybe a few communities in Switzerland and the Netherlands with similar percentages if not higher than the Basques in France. Instead of focusing on what we do not know, here are a few things that we do know and should keep in mind when examining any types of theories or read something where a person claims to know something yet does not show any proof:ġ) The Basque people are considered the first Europeans. I was also informed that there was no cold hard evidence to back it up. Having consulted a few scientists, I was told that it was unlikely blood type O was the first blood type, but also that a few hundred thousand years ago rh negative blood might have originated in Africa, though the rh negative blood type factor is presented quite low on the African continent. This is an ongoing process and if you are heavily into genetic research, you can also read Rh Negative Origins. We have on this blog displayed several theories as well as evidence and indicators that might lead us into the right direction.
Of great interest to people in general is the question “where do we come from?”.